Judith Holmes Drewry

1950 – 2011

Judith’s main interest was of the human figure, mainly of young women and children. These figures are often observed in private, reflective moments.

Judith Holmes Drewry sculptor working on The Reader sculpture clay


Judith Holmes Drewry was studying fine art in America on a scholarship when she first met Lloyd. Soon to be married it was not long before they were back in the UK to break the news to family and friends before throwing a dart in a board to see where to go next! Of all the places for a dart to land in 1970 Jude hit the bullseye with California where she then studied at the San Francisco Art Institute. The couple spent the next three years building foundries and working together. Perhaps it was dodging bullets in what was then a pretty rough part of San Francisco or just a yearning for home that made Jude and Lloyd return to the UK and settle in to making a life together making jewellery and later, children and lastly setting up the new foundry in Saxby at the farmhouse where Jude was born.